The same relocation application by Camrose Casino is active again.   The Applicant is organizing rural charities to write AGLC to support this relocation.   We have been asked to support the Century Mile’s efforts in objecting to this relocation that will undoubtedly negatively impact the horse racing industry, horse purses and the Century Mile’s viability.

 There are three attachments. (1) Request for letter of objection to HBPA, (2) Request for objection to horsemen and any other industry supporters, (3) sample template letter for horsemen to use. 

 Quantity of objections are critical in AGLC’s consideration to approve or not approve the relocation.  **Please fill out an objection letter and email it to [email protected] by August 20th **

Letter of Objection Template

Request for letter of objection to HBPA

Request for objection to horsemen and any other industry supporters

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